Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Supreme Court Is A Fraud

Does anyone trust the Supreme Court to follow to the rule of law in these two cases?

Religious freedom at stake - by Alan Sears
Should a Young Democrats club on a university campus be compelled to elect Republican officers? Should a student chapter of PETA be forced to be led by an ardent hunter and taxidermist?

If you say no, you're one up on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which ruled in a crucial case earlier this year that Christian clubs on university campuses forfeit official recognition unless they're open to non-Christian leaders and voting members.

The case, Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, centers on the contention by administrators at Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco that a campus chapter of the Christian Legal Society -- a nationwide association of Christian lawyers, judges, law students and professors -- is discriminating against people on the basis of religion because the chapter requires its elected officers and official members to sign a statement of faith embracing Christian theology and behavior.

The dislocation of judicial discernment - by Jed Gldastein
No honest and thoughtful person believes that the ACORN apparatus is entitled to public funding. It is a socially subversive organization, and it undermines common sense to think otherwise. Yet, Federal District Court Judge Nina Gershon has now ruled that Congress must fund ACORN for services to be rendered under previously signed federal contracts.

According to the New York Times, Judge Gershon’s decision is based on the notion that ACORN was “singled out by Congress for punishment” without “any judicial, or even administrative, process adjudicating guilt.” The judge’s decision thus clothes itself in the garb of Fifth Amendment “due process,” and in doing so attempts to trump the legislative power vouchsafed to Congress under Article I of the Constitution.

I never thought I would reach a point where I had no confidence that judicial tyrants would rule the correct way in cases as obvious as the ones listed above. Yet that point has been reached.

The Supreme Court sat by idly while Barack Obama stole billions of dollars from average citizens and gave it to the UAW in the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies. The process was blatantly against the law. Yet not one of the corrupt power hungry demagogues on our highest court said a word.

Our courts have become as corrupt as any banana Republic dictatorship anywhere in the world.


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